
[android studio] 오류 : The SDK platform-tools version(25.0.6) is too old to check APIs compiled with API 26

labj 2017. 10. 17. 11:41

[android studio] 오류 : The SDK platform-tools version(25.0.6) is too old to check APIs compiled with API 26

android studio를 처음 설치하고 다음과 같은 오류가 난다면 

The SDK platform-tools version(25.0.6) is too old to check APIs compiled with API 26

Tools -> Android -> SDK Manager 에 가서 

Android SDK Platform-Tools와 기타 툴을 업데이트 해주면 된다. 

[android studio] 오류 : The SDK platform-tools version(25.0.6) is too old to check APIs compiled with API 26